The Mental Health Borough Blend is a brand new collaborative programme delivered by The Positive Movement Project and Tale Be Told Theatre. Through a range of activities and events, we aim to provide preventative support to improve mental health in the community.
If you would like more information about any of these sessions or would like to join and take part, email
If you are a mental health professional and would like to refer an individual to any of these programmes, please contact
Find Your Fit will show you that you can move your body to improve your mood. Across 10 weeks explore a range of free exercise classes to find what works for you!
Sessions are centred around moving to feel good, improving social connections and increasing self esteem
Find Your Fit Isleworth from 23rd July for 10 weeks at The BridgeLink Community Centre
A weekly drama group for adults. Learn new skills, explore your own thoughts and feelings and express yourself creatively.
Sessions will help to build confidence, learn new skills, build social connections whilst improving self esteem
From 1st July at The Bedfont Lane Community Centre, 6:45pm- 8:15pm
A ten week programme to provide you with the tools and techniques to help manage your own mental wellbeing. Utilising movement and exercise to boost mood and explore topics around mental health.
Starts at Bedfont Lane Community Centre from 7th October- 9th December 10am-midday
A ten week programme to provide you with the tools and techniques to help manage your own mental wellbeing. Utilising the creative arts to create your own wellbeing toolkit whilst reaping the benefits that being creative provides.
Starts at the BridgeLink Community Centre from 1st October- 3rd December