A ten week programme to provide you with the tools and techniques to help manage your own mental wellbeing. Utilising the creative arts to create your own wellbeing toolkit whilst experiencing the benefits that being creative provides.
The course will be held every Tuesday from 11am- 1pm, starting October 1st- 3rd December.
Sessions will take place at The BridgeLink Community Centre.
Contact Kulraj@talebetold.co.uk for more information or to register for the course.
A ten week programme to provide you with the tools and techniques to help manage your own mental wellbeing. Utilising movement and exercise to boost mood and explore topics around mental health.
The course will be every Monday 10am-12pm, starting 7th October – 9th December.
Sessions will take place at The Bedfont Lane Community Centre.
Contact kulraj@thepositivemovementproject.org for more information or to register for the course.
The Positive Movement Project ambassadors mirror our passion for moving for mental health and share their experiences and stories with our supporters.
Endurance runner and cross-fit enthusiast
A reluctant runner... it's not about the running it's about the people you meet along the way...